You didn’t have to wait long for our new program. We took a leaf out of our own book and this time took the 7th and 8th graders of the Mátyás Király Katolikus Általános Iskola és Óvoda school of Kaszaper to the Csodák Palotája in Budapest. This way they could also get to know the magical world of Physics from close up and they could participate in interesting experiments which would help them in their later studies at school. We hope that they will better be able to remember school material this way that they didn’t only have the dull texts but also a visual representation as help.
Pictures are available here.
We would like to thank you again that more and more people put their trust in us and help us by giving their financial support. Thanks to these we can organize cool events for the children. Thank you!
The team of the Foundation for Tiny Smiles