Smile Room

Hello dear Visitor,

In accordance with our earlier promise, now that Christmas is over our foundation reveals this year’s present. Let us do this reveal now, since on 29 December 2015 we unveiled our first “Smile Room” in Nagyér. This means that children can now use this room in their leisure time on any day of the year to play board games and to play with action figures, dolls, puzzles and other games which foster their skills while the older children are free to use the Xbox console. We would like to thank those people for some of these toys who put their trust in us and offered their unused toys for our goals. This way those toys could get to the best place possible. Since all toys are available for all of the children, we do not have to think about what toy to give to whom, but the children themselves can decide who and when wants to play with what. We would also like to give a good advice for the youngsters: try to keep your grades level at school, try to improve them, because your teachers will keep an eye on you and if somebody’s grades worsen because of the toys, they will need to focus on their studies for a while. The team of the foundation wishes all the best for using these toys!


We would like to thank Tibor Lőrincz especially, the mayor of Nagyér, for the many help he provided us. Thank you!

There’s nothing else left than to say: Let’s play!

The team of the Foundation For Tiny Smiles

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